Friday, July 29, 2011

Voldemort II


What more is there to say? He's Voldemort, too. In the first book, a chalk-white-man with blood-red-eyes and slits-for-nostrils like a snake named Voldemort tried to kill Harry Potter (with Quirrels). 

Personality & Behaviour
In the second book, Voldemort tries to kill Harry using the Chamber of Secrets. And, last but not least, in the seventh book, Harry Potter and Voldemort have the ultimate showdown. But what if director David Yates had decided to continue his series......... He would have to introduce a new Voldemort, inevitably entitling the man Voldemort II.Well, that's history now, and Voldemort Two is even more menacing than Voldemort the First. Anyways, there is only one distinguishing feature between the two super-villains, which is that Voldemort 2 is slightly inhibited. He needs to get really drunk with butter-beer before Avada-Kedavra. Once he has had a couple of butter-beers from his powerful Goblet of Fire, don't get in his way ---> He's completely drunk. If he gets in his car, he''ll be able to Avada-Kedavra you completely to death with hit-and-run. The only way to stop Voldemort 2 is to wait it out. Alternatively, you can use a shield. This completely shuts him out. He can't get in. But whatever happened to Voldemort 1 anyway? Well, that's another story...

Voldemort 2 is actually a pretty great guy, he has some personality issues but who doesnt these days? Voldemort 2 is the complete package, Fred, George, and Dobby, Peace.


A Special Announcement

This week is Harry Potter week.
Time to board the Hogwarts Express..

-People Blog

Thursday, July 21, 2011

All Sorts of Types of Little Dogs

DOG (Type X-34999canus)
Yip! Here, at People Blog Headquarters, we LUV all sorts of dogs. In this post we are going to focus on All Sorts of Little Types of Dogs! There are big ones, little ones, and in-between (medium).. Their coats are well-brushed and have a healthy sheen. Mostly, these dogs look like little Sparkys. What is happening to me? Oh wait, we forgot!! It's PEOPLE blog, not DOGBLOG! For the rest of the review, let's see what the Personality & Behaviour of the common Boy is like.

Personality & Behaviour
Little boys are generally well-fed and they love to sleep. There's nothing more satisfying for a boy than to sit in a corner with its favorite bone! Dogbone, that is. The boy will shit on the floor at first, but then you hit it with News brand paper, and it will shit right. Good boy! Good boy, Spike, my boy! Then, the boy calls out to his bois, and what have you got? A litter! And then, one of the litter gets a Girlfriend, and it all starts again! A pregnant bitch can birth as many as 101 live dalmatians.

All Sorts of Types of Little Dogs are actually a pretty great kind of dogs, they have some personality issues but who doesnt these days? All sorts of Types of Little Dogs are the complete package, Lab, Chocolate Lab, Hot Dog Dog, Peace.


Sunday, July 3, 2011


Dont look into T-Hawk's eyes!
Squanto wears feathers all over himself. His beautiful lineage is leather faced, like some leather jacket. Carved by the wind, nurtured by some bison, Indians are the best. They look awesome! The dots on their foreheads between their eyes are almost like a third eye or something. Never have you considered it to be a third ear, but Indians can hear really well. That's why they call them Indians for godsakes. When Chris Columbus got here, he said that the Indians looked weird and strange. A white person wasn't used to all the beads and shit. But looking forward, we see that Americans have incorporated Indian shit in culture, such as beads and shit.

Personality & Behaviour
Ever seen a game of baseball? The Cleveland Indians win every time. First they take the bat, and then they keep their eyes on the ball, and the rest is history. When they aren't World Champs, they can engage in powwows, which are big stores to buy Indian shit. When we got off the ships, all we knew how to eat was corn but they expanded our diets to include maize too, a kind of corn on the cobb. Then we said Thanks for Giving, and split. Thought we forgot about Pocahontas? She was the first Indian girl, no problem. What else? Sacajawea... inspired the invention of spell check lol AND the modern dollar. Crazed Horse was faster than any horse yet, but could he outrun the champion? And what about Mohawk Indians, what's up with that.

Indians are actually pretty great native americans, they have some personality issues but who doesnt these days? Indians are the complete package, the mayflower, the pinto, and the Santa Maria, Peace.
