Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I've interviewed hundreds of these smooth-faced
actresses, but this one REALLY stands out
Radiant faces without acne or scars and bodies that are very much what you would want, actors are totally made to star in all the hot new auditions you don't watch. When they talk to you, you never mistake what they're saying, because there is a big sitcom pause at the end of each of their sentences. Every actor has a distinct "look." There are actors with a "Caucasian handsome" look, actors with a "Nordic handsome" look, actors with an "Aryan handsome" look, and some white actors. If you are having difficulty picturing what I mean, watch a movie. Those are full of actors who are just jonesing to perform for you. However, this People Blog entry is not about actors on the screen. Onscreen, they congeal and become acceptable to watch. I am talking about seeing actors at Open Mics, you know, living in LA with a bunch of people around you who just want to make it, they might be living in an apartment with FIVE other people in one bedroom but someday.. I made the mistake of looking at an actor's teeth once, and now I am blind- don't look at those voodoo teeth! I hate these Hindu fucks.

Personality & Behaviour
Actors obey their Agents. Or at least they act like they do. ;) But is there any specific way an actor acts? Actors act lots of ways -- that's acting! Therefore, their Personality & Behaviour most closely identifies with that of a chameleon man. These charmeleons flit from scene to scene, laughing, crying, and the rest. Sometimes I imagine that everyone I know is just an actor and I'm the only real person on this planet. At such times, I experience profound despair- true pathos like the movies. I wring my hands and wail my voice, while looking up into the rainy sky (I'm imagining this from an aerial perspective). If there's a God, he made a bunch of actors to make this cool movie called Earth, and I'm the punchline. Ha! Too bad this is one movie you can't rewatch when it's over; I'm referring to death. Death is like the end of the movie that you can't ever see again- you have to rent a new movie from Redbox. Unfortunately, the only movie available is Eternal Hell.

Actors are actually pretty great guys, they have some personality issues, but who doesn't these days? Actors are the complete package, Alec Baldwin (the oldest), Daniel Baldwin (the second in command), William (Billy) Baldwin (the Billy in command), and Stephen Baldwin (the youngest) -- it's a true Hollywood miracle, Peace.

Oscar/17 --PSYCHE!!! JK I was just acting!! Golden Globes/17

Saturday, January 28, 2012


A rare insight into how we write our papers
Black suit, dark shades, with an ear worm in the usual place, these guys are totally incognito and impossible to differentiate from each other. Their faces are international-style with a clean shave. Humorless visage: no laughs will dance across their faces until Neo's dead. When Neo does deign to die, however, there is great merriment throughout the agent community. At the store, agents will be overheard chatting vivaciously about the latest Dead Neo. During these times, ladies in long multicolored patchwork dresses walk through the bustling market, nearly dropping their baguettes. At all other times, agents are grimly stationed at different coordinates throughout the gridglobe. They've pocketed their smiles for another day, and the ladies in long multicolored patchwork dresses have been returned to their holding facilities.

Personality & Behaviour
Trained and disciplined like a monk, but, unlike a monk, these guys' only religion is totalitarianism in government and cyberrule in war, NOT Judaism. These guys have to be ready to point, shoot and obliterate any and all Neos or other cyberpunks. They do not appreciate having their minds expanded - in ANY direction. In their free time, they do not go to art museums or volunteer at the Echo Park Film Center running concessions or whatever they need that night. Anything else is fair game; agents have to have some fun once. Back to on the job. When they are on the job (24/7/365/lifespan), agents must constantly kidnap Morpheus- as much as possible. They must inform him that mankind is like a virus, a disease, a cancer of this planet. They can also opt for other jeers such as "You've never lived up to my expectations, not even 1% of them, not even 9% of them." Too bad for the agent, It's Morphin' Time. The agent collapses, and Morpheus is free to be captured again some other time. This is how I perceive agents. And this is what I believe to be their routine. 

Agents are actually pretty great boys, they have some personality issues, but who doesn't these days? Agents are the complete package, Mister Smith, Missus Smith, and (if they had a baby) Baby Smith Jr, Peace.


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Monday, January 23, 2012


This sick wolf has human hands and legs!
Go to www.olfboy.com for a free cure or text WOOF to (97589747754d)76-439
Guest post by Bobby Bruton, acolyte of Friedrich Nietzsche.

Wolfboys aren't allboys, but, if they were: oh, what a world! Fair or dark, it doesn't matter: they're always all the same. Wolfboys may look alright at first, but just wait until you get them under some moon. Their hairs on their handstands on end and forms all sorts of packs of little dogs. When the full moon rises, your real boy may turn into a real dog. When they roar, your slacks turn into cream jeans. When they sigh, they make all the girls turn into a bunch of screaming girls. They can be tall or short or in between - in that case, tweenwolf with michael guy fawkes. Teen Wolf Too, but don't fall for that - it's just bait, man. Sometimes, when they put on their sheep clothes - and when they do, woah, you better watch out - you won't even know them from all the other sheep. Their fur is black, and brown, and red all over unless tipped with bleachy blond. Wolfboys know all too well that life is a struggle between lights and darks. Mix&Match for a hot new ensemble, but always remember to never wash them in the same sink - that's a no, no, NO!

Personality & Behaviour
If you let them, wolfboys will walk all over you and even step on your cameltoes. So don't let them anywhere near, or just be real tight whenever they step up to the plate because if you leave the lanes wide open straight to the hoop, that will be it - all over, alley-oops, and holes in one all over. If they do get that hole in one, be sure to turn to Plan B because that baby would be SICK. Coughing, sneezing, dry mouth, and runny nose - no one wants that for their baby, not even some nazi. Don't even bring that brand new life, nude with life and raw placenta, kicking and screaming into this crazy, mixed-up, topsy-turvy world with so many people in it, if you ask me. We are the world, and only we can change it. If only little darks and little whites could live together, side by side in double sinks everywhere. In my opinion, I think that's my dream and the future. Besides, if your baby's in sickbay, some wolfmom might just up and eat 'em.

Wolfboys are actually pretty great boys, they have some personality issues, but who doesn't these days? Wolfboys are the complete package, Wolferine, Cyclops, and Nightcrawler, Peace.


Friday, January 20, 2012


Guest post by boo Angela Chen.

Click the "He Is Scared" coloring page
to view printable version.  
A wimp's appearance is sure to disappoint. Pale and self-effacing, a wimp's appearance does NOT inspire confidence. Imagine your wimp huddled in an anxious corner. You wish your wimp would stand up straighter, get a haircut, listen to hip hop, make a fist, stick up for himself. But your wimp will probably not do any of these things. Your wimp will most likely stay in bed for stretches at a time--sometimes days on end--watching "Cartoons" (porno, you're thinking). As a result, your wimp has limp clothing hidden by ugly knit sweaters, a wet look, a clammy face. You don't want to look at your wimp due to a strong mixture of disgust and pity. LUCKILY, wimps are a lot like ghosts in that they are mostly invisible.

Personality & Behaviour
Sometimes you think a wimp's personality is there only to strengthen your own resolve. I hope I never become like this pathetic little shit, you think to yourself as your wimp hides from the world. I don't go out because I'm lazy, explains your wimp. Hearing this makes you sick. You feel an urge to pump some iron at the gym. A wimp never pumps iron at the gym. The only thing a wimp pumps is his skinny dick, alone in bed at 3:23 am. Here's a list of what womps do: cower, quail, recoil, shrink, squinch, quiver, tremble. Standing next to your wimp, you feel simultaneously bigger and smaller. You look good, and you're going to run on the treadmill later for at least an hour while sweating unselfconsciously/ unconsciously. But why am I standing next to this wimp? Am I really so much better than he??!?!?!??! I really need to sit in my car and listen to Kanye West. 

A wimp is afraid of his thoughts, his illnesses, his food, preservatives, bees, automobiles, drugs, his own mother. A wimp cannot live in these modern times. He feels alienated, cowardly, alone, and scared. A wimp is a sad person, probably in need of antidepressants or a friend, ultimately, and should not be made fun of. Seriously, guys, this is not a joke.

Wimps are actually pretty great guys, they have some personality issues, but who doesn't these days? Wimps are the complete package, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days, and Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever, Peace.


Wednesday, January 18, 2012


You can play as twins in Smashed Brawls.
These are the Iced Climbers.
Guest post by Ian Shein's twin-in-law, whom you might find here.

Double, double, toil, and trouble! Uh oh, am I seein’ double? No, your eyesight’s perfectly normal because actually what you’re seeing is actually one set of twins! (AKA look-alikes) Twins happen when the male sperm severs the mom’s egg in half with his razor sharp tail, separating her frothy egg yolk into twins…Thus, twins are the byproduct of gunky mom yolk. Twins can look dashing, smashing, charming, or freaky. Each one constitutes one full half of a person…put them together and you’ve got yourself a live one! Don’t try any funny business with just the one of them however, as the other one almost always finds out about it psychotelepathically. In fact, twins are defined as being two twinborn intertwined twinberries teamed with a twinge of telepathy. Most twins are all psychics and because they’re twins, it also makes them sidekicks, which is why we must stop these psychic sidekicks when you see them in your streets. All twins are connected by the brain, but most are born physically connected at the dome piece

Personality & Behaviour
We should mention that twins come in all kinds of shapes, all kinds of sizes, and some certain select races, but there are still only two kinds of twins: Identity twins and Fraternity twins. Identity twins are the same person split into two separate halves of the same goopy genetic materials. In other words, clones. These clone twins are sent to the earth by the devil to try and confuse you and me. They will often try and trick you into thinking they are separate individuals by dressing differently, listening to different types of music, or by having different first names, but really this is totally bogus. Sometimes they like to pretend to be one another in order to resurrect a certain romantic flame here, or sabotage some impending marriage there… It should be noted that one half is almost certainly evil as well: (See Ron Howard’s twin here) (See Janet Jackson’s twin here) (See Blake Griffin’s twin here) (See Charlie Kaufman’s twin here

Fraternity twins are the ones in the same sororities. These are the ones lots of guys like to party with because they have twice as many mouths, twice as many tits, and twice as many labia. Fraternity twins like to refer to their own breasts as “twins” as well, which is alarming and incites befuddlement. The appropriate response upon finding out an acquaintance has slept with fraternity twins is encouragement by performing a "high-five." 

I once knew these two twins through my Volleyball league. One was totally social and the other one was totally awkward, but totally smart. 

Twins can also be extremely competitive with each other, hence the cliché and oft. over-used adage, “twin it to win it.” This is the reason twins are always working in the same workplaces together be it in a music band, Hollywood television sitcoms with Bob Saget, or NBA basketball leagues. 

Twins are actually pretty great girls, they have some personality issues, but who doesn’t these days? Twins are the complete package, Mary, Kate, and Ashley, Peace. 


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Blind Folk

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is kind. 
Breaking news: This guest post is actually by Ariel Gardner. This is his blog.

Two words: Sunglasses. You better believe it. "Who's That? Miles Davis?" "NO! dummy, that's just my friend, Sam. He's blind." They may not have a sense of vision, but they definitely have a sense of fashion. It makes you wonder who's doing their shopping, LOUIS VUTTON??

Personality & Behaviour
In the land, they say, of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. What I think he (Aristotle) means by that, is that Blind Folk have tendency to mislead. Though that may be a truism, I can't see why they aren't allowed to be productive people of society. Instead, we condescend to them and put beeping noises at every crosswalk. But I say hey, they may be googly-eyed and their candy canes may not taste like peppermint, but they write really good songs.

Blind Folk are actually pretty great guys, they have some personality issues but who doesn't these days? Blind Folk are the complete package, signed, sealed, and delivered, Peace.


Tuesday, January 3, 2012


A horse underneath a horsecop
Guest post by Ian Shein, whom you might find here.

The main thing you’ll notice about horsecops is mostly how horsey they look: They seem like real cops, but upon closer inspection, you’ll notice that they are totally horses too. Their lower halves are comprised of horse lips, horse hips, horse nips, and even horse dicks. Their voices can be horse also, but that’s because most horsecops chain-smoke tobacco, like their conquistador ancestors. I think Wikipedia said it best when they said horsecops are police who patrol on horseback. Horsecops are the bastard children of horses and men, put on this planet to protect and serve.

Personality & Behaviour
Horsecops are very short-tempered and they behave like idiots. They can be lean, mean, crime-fighting machines… but only in a metaphorical sense because horsecops are actually alive like people, but they’re still below people socially and on the food chain… They are kept separate from human cops for fear of intermarriage, but even though they’re a different species than real cops, they still behave just as piggishly. Horsecops are single-hoofedly responsible for the elimination and prevention of all illegal horseplay.

Horsecops are actually pretty great guys, they have some personality issues but who doesn’t these days? Horsecops are the complete package, giddyup, yee-haw, freeze asshole, Peace.
