Saturday, January 28, 2012


A rare insight into how we write our papers
Black suit, dark shades, with an ear worm in the usual place, these guys are totally incognito and impossible to differentiate from each other. Their faces are international-style with a clean shave. Humorless visage: no laughs will dance across their faces until Neo's dead. When Neo does deign to die, however, there is great merriment throughout the agent community. At the store, agents will be overheard chatting vivaciously about the latest Dead Neo. During these times, ladies in long multicolored patchwork dresses walk through the bustling market, nearly dropping their baguettes. At all other times, agents are grimly stationed at different coordinates throughout the gridglobe. They've pocketed their smiles for another day, and the ladies in long multicolored patchwork dresses have been returned to their holding facilities.

Personality & Behaviour
Trained and disciplined like a monk, but, unlike a monk, these guys' only religion is totalitarianism in government and cyberrule in war, NOT Judaism. These guys have to be ready to point, shoot and obliterate any and all Neos or other cyberpunks. They do not appreciate having their minds expanded - in ANY direction. In their free time, they do not go to art museums or volunteer at the Echo Park Film Center running concessions or whatever they need that night. Anything else is fair game; agents have to have some fun once. Back to on the job. When they are on the job (24/7/365/lifespan), agents must constantly kidnap Morpheus- as much as possible. They must inform him that mankind is like a virus, a disease, a cancer of this planet. They can also opt for other jeers such as "You've never lived up to my expectations, not even 1% of them, not even 9% of them." Too bad for the agent, It's Morphin' Time. The agent collapses, and Morpheus is free to be captured again some other time. This is how I perceive agents. And this is what I believe to be their routine. 

Agents are actually pretty great boys, they have some personality issues, but who doesn't these days? Agents are the complete package, Mister Smith, Missus Smith, and (if they had a baby) Baby Smith Jr, Peace.


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